Jean and Alexander Heard Library

1 of 289
     L'enseignement de la musique au Moyen Âge et à la Renaissance, actes du colloque organisé en co-production avec l'A.R.I.M.M. et le C.N.R.S. à Royaumont les 5 et 6 juillet 1985. Paris: Foundation Royaumont, 1987. See also separate entries for Meyer 1987, Weber 1987 and Wright 1987.
  • Beaujouan, Guy. "La transformation du quadrivium au XIIe siècle," pp. 11-16.
  • Berger, Christian. "La quarte et la structure hexacordale," pp. 17-28.
  • Fuller, Sarah. "Did Philippe de Vitry write a treatise Ars nova?," pp. 29-30.
  • Haas, Max. "Musiktheorie im 12. Jahrhundert: einiges über Ausgangpunkte und Zugänge," 31-37.
  • Hemmerdinger, Denise. "L'heptacorde et l'octoichos, un problème scientifique, musical, théologique et politique," 38-52.
  • Hughes, Andrew. "Memory and the composition of late medieval office chant: Antiphons," 53-72.
  • Huglo, Michel. "L'enseignement de la musique à l'Université de Paris au Moyen Age," 73-79.
  • Maitre, Claire. "L'enseignement de la musique au XIIe siècle chez les Cisterciens," 80-86.
  • Meyer, Christian. "L'enseignement de la musique dans les universités allemandes au Moyen Age," 87-95.
  • Phillips, Nancy. "L'enseignement de la théorie des modes du IXe au XIIe siècle," 96-107.
  • Weber, Edith. "L'enseignement de la musique dans les écoles humanistes et protestantes en Allemagne: théorie, practique, pluridisciplinarité," 108-129.
  • Wright, Craig. "Education in the Maitrise of Notre-Dame of Paris at the end of the Middle Age," 130-133.
  • Round Table, "L'enseignement de la musique au Moyen Age avant l'Université, 135-139.
  • Round Table, "L'enseignement de la musique dans les universités du Moyen Age et de la Renaissance," 141-145.

2 of 289
     Musica nella storia: Round table "La musica nella storia delle università." In Atti del XIV congresso della Società internazionale di musicologia: trasmissione e recezione delle forme di cultura musicale. Ed. Angelo Pompilio. Turin: EDT, 1990, I, 27-89.

3 of 289
     Aber, Adolf. "Das musikalische Studienheft des Wittenberger Studenten Georg Donat (um 1543)." Sammelbände der internationalen Musikgesellschaft 15 (1913): 68-98.

4 of 289
     Adelman, Howard. "The Literacy of Jewish Women in Early Modern Italy." In Women's Education in Early Modern Europe: A History, 1500 to 1800. Ed. Barbara J. Whitehead. Garland reference library of social science, v. 1124. Studies in the history of education, v. 7. New York and London: Garland Publishing, 1999. Pp. 133-58. [Citing a "Hebrew letter of a girl to her father ask(ing) for music lessons, a feature of the education of Jewish girls at the time (p. 144)"; also quotes a 16th century contract for a Jewish girl to serve in a home; the assigned duties include dancing and playing music (niggun) (p. 145).]

5 of 289
     Annoni, Maria T. and Kathleen E. Nuccio. "Gender as Text and Subtext: The Case of Renaissance Music Pedagogy." Revista de Musicologia 16 (1993): 2210-28.

6 of 289
     Annoni, Maria Therese. "Tuning, Temperament and Pedagogy for the Vihuela in Juan Bermudo's Declaración de instrumentos musicales (1555)." Ph.D. diss., Ohio State University, 1989.

7 of 289
     Aries, Philippe. Centuries of Childhood: A Social History of Family Life. Translated by Robert Baldick. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1962.

8 of 289
     Aston, Margaret. Lollards and Reformers: Images and Literacy in Late Medieval Religion. London: The Hambledon Press, 1984. Nu discussion of music.

9 of 289
     Badura-Skoda, Eva. "On the History of Musical Instruction in the Austrian Baroque." In Eighteenth-century music in theory and practice: Essays in honor of Alfred Mann. Stuyvesant: Pendragon, 1994, pp. 131-42.

10 of 289
     Baratz, Lewis Reece. "St. Gudula's children: The Boninfanten and Choraelen of the collegiate church of Brussels during the ancien regime." In: Musicology and archival research/Musicologie et recherches en archives/Musicologie en archiefonderzoek. Bruxelles: Bibliotheca Regia Belgica, 1994, p. 214-305.

11 of 289
     Barrios Manzano, Maria del Pilar. "Domingo Marcos Duran: Un teorico musical extremeno del Renacimiento--Estado de la cuestion." Revista de musicologia, 22/1 (June 1999): 91-127.

12 of 289
     Barron, Caroline M. "The Education and Training of Girls in Fifteenth-Century London." In Courts, Counties and the Capital in the Later Middle Ages, edited by Diana E.S. Dunn. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1996, pp. 139-53.

13 of 289
     Barron, Caroline M. "The Expansion of Education in Fifteenth-Century London." In The Cloister and the World: Essays in Medieval History in Honour of Barbara Harvey. Ed. John Blair and Brian Golding. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996. Pp. 219-45.

14 of 289
     Bauldauf-Berdes, Jane L. "Anna Maria della Pieta: The Woman Musician of Venice Personified." In Cecilia Reclaimed: Feminist Perspectives on Gender and Music, edited by Susan C. Cook and Judy S. Tsou. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1994, pp. 134-55.

15 of 289
     Bauldauf-Berdes, Jane L. Women Musicians of Venice: Musical Foundations, 1525-1855. Oxford Monographs on Music. New York: Oxford University Press, 1993.

16 of 289
     Bäuml, F. H. "Varieties and Consequences of Medieval Literacy and Illiteracy." Speculum 55 (1980): 237-265.

17 of 289
     Bayless, Martha. “Beatus quid est and the Study of Grammar in Late Anglo-Saxon England.” In History of Linguistic Thought in the Early Middle Ages, edited by Vivien Law. Amsterdam: Benjamins,1993, pp.67-110. [EARLY]

18 of 289
     Beaune, Colette. Education et Cultures du début du XIIe au milieu du XVe siècle. Regards sur l’histoire: Histoire médiévale. N.p.: Sedes, 1999.

19 of 289
     Becker, Otto Frederick. “The Maitrise in Northern France and Burgundy During the Fifteenth Century.” Ph.D. diss., Peabody College for Teachers (now Vanderbilt University), 1967.

20 of 289
     Bellingham, Bruce. "The Bicinium in the Lutheran Latin Schools during the Reformation Period." Ph.D. diss., University of Toronto, 1971.

21 of 289
     Berry, Corre. "Duets for Pedagogical Use." NATS bulletin 34, no. 2 (1977): 8-12. [See also Einstein 1937 which is more directly relevant.]

22 of 289
     Beutin, Wolfgang. A History of German Literature: From the Beginnings to the Present Day. London: Routledge, 1989.

23 of 289
     Black, Robert. Humanism and Education in Medieval and Renaissance Italy: Tradition and Innovation in Latin Schools from the Twelfth to the Fifteenth Century. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 2001.

24 of 289
     Blackburn, Bonnie J. Composition, Printing, and Performance: Studies in Renaissance Music. Variorum Collected Studies Series CS 687. Aldershot, England: 2000.

25 of 289
     Blackburn, Bonnie J. "A lost guide to Tinctoris's teachings recovered." Early music history I (1981) 29-116. Rpt. in Composition, printing and performance: Studies in Renaissance music. Burlington: Ashgate 2000, I: 29-116.

26 of 289
     Boffey, Julia. "Women Authors and Womens' Literacy in Fourteenth- and Fifteenth-Century England." In Women and Literature in Britain, 1150-1500. Ed. Carol M. Meale. Cambridge Studies in Medieval Literature 17. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1993. Pp. 159-182.

27 of 289
     Bornstein, Andrea. Two-part Italian didactic music: printed collections of the Renaissance and Baroque, 1521-1744, 3 vols. Bologna: UT Orpheus, 2004.

28 of 289
     Bornstein, Andrea. "A cosa servono i duo? La solmisazione." Hortus musicus: Trimestrale di musica antica, vol. 1, no.2 (Apr-June 2000): 37-42 and vol. 1, no.3 (July-Sept 2000): p. 45-49.

29 of 289
     Bourligueux, Guy. "La psallette de la cathedrale Saint-Pierre de Vannes. Notes historiques et documents inedits." Recherches sur la musique francaise classique, 9 (1969): 115-31.

30 of 289
     Bower, Calvin M. "The Transmission of Ancient Music Theory into the Middle Ages" In The Cambridge History of Western Music Theory. Cambridge, edited by Thomas Christensen. England: Cambridge University Press, 2002. [EARLY]

31 of 289
     Bowers, Jane. "The Emergence of Women Composers in Italy, 1566-1700." In Women Making Music: the Western Art Tradition, 1150-1950. Ed. Jane Bower and Judith Tick. Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1986, 116-167.

32 of 289
     Boydell, Barra. "Cathedral Music, City and State: Music in Reformantion and Political Change at Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin." In Music and Musicians in Renaissance Cities and Towns, edited by Fiona Kisby. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001, pp. 131-42.

33 of 289
     Boynton, Susan. “The Didactic Function and Context of Eleventh-Century Glossed Hymnaries.” In Der lateinische Hymnus im MittelalterÜberlieferung-Ästhetik-Ausstrahlung, edited by Andreas Haug. Monumenta Monodica Medii Aevi, Subsidia IV. Kassel: Bärenreiter, 2004, pp. 201-29. [EARLY]

34 of 289
     Boynton, Susan. “Training for the Liturgy as a Form of Monastic Education.” In Medieval Monastic Education, edited by Carolyn Muessig and George Ferzoco Leicester, 7-20. London: Leicester University Press, 2000.

35 of 289
     Bray, Roger. “Music and the Quadrivium in Early Tudor England.” Music and Letters 76 (1995):1-18.

36 of 289
     Bray, Roger. "Editing and performing musica speculativa." In English choral practice c.1400-c.1650: A memorial volume to Peter Le Huray. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1995, pp. 48-73

37 of 289
     Brayman Hackel, Heidi. Reading Material in Early Modern England: Print, Gender and Literacy. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2005. No music.

38 of 289
     Brehmer, Ilse. "Women as Educators in German-speaking Europe: The Middle Ages to Today." In Women Educators: Employees of Schools in Western Countries. Ed. Patricia A. Schmuck. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1987. Pp. 105-20, esp. pp. 105-113. [Does not discuss music; does make reference to several sets of regulations for girls' schools.]

39 of 289
     Brooks, Jeanice. Courtly Song in Late Sixteenth-Century France. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000.

40 of 289
     Brooks, Jeanice. "Ritterroman und höfisches Lied -- Die weibliche Stimme im französischen Salon des späten 16. Jahrhunderts." In Frauen und Musik im Europa des 16. Jahrhunderts: Infrastrukturen – Aktivitäten – Motivationen. Ed. Nicole Schwindt. Troja, Trossinger Jahrbuch für Renaissancemusik 4. Kassel: Bärenreiter 2005, pp. 91-116.

41 of 289
     Brown, Christopher Boyd. Singing the Gospel: Lutheran hymns and the success of the Reformation. Harvard historical studies, 148. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2005.

42 of 289
     Brown, Howard Mayer. "The instrumentalist's repertory in the sixteenth century." In Le concert des voix et des instruments a la Renaissance. Paris, France: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique [CNRS], 1995: 21-32.

43 of 289
     Brown, Howard Mayer. "Emulation, competition, and homage: imitation and theories of imitation in the Renaissance." Journal of the American Musicological Society 35 (Spring, 1982): 1-48.

44 of 289
     Brown, Howard Mayer. "Women Singers and Women's Songs in Fifteenth-Century Italy." In Women Making Music: the Western Art Tradition, 1150-1950. Ed. Jane Bower and Judith Tick. Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1986, pp. 62-89.

45 of 289
     Brown, J. Howard. Elizabethan Schooldays. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1933.

46 of 289
     Brumana, Biancamaria. "Musica: Disciplina scolastica." In Educazione musicale nella scuola. Perugia: Centrostampa SNC Perugia, 1986, 60-74. [Cited from RILM]

47 of 289
     Burke, Peter. Popular Culture in Early Modern Europe. New York: New York University Press, 1978.

48 of 289
     Burke, Victoria. "Women and Early Seventeenth-Century Manuscript Culture: Four Miscellanies." The Seventeenth Century 12 (1997): 135-150.

49 of 289
     Bushnell, Rebecca W. A Culture of Teaching: Early Modern Humanism in Theory and Practice. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1996.

50 of 289
     Butt, John. Music Education and the Art of Performance in the German Baroque. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1994.

51 of 289
     Butts, R. Freeman. A Cultural History of Education: Its Social and Intellectual Foundations. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1955.

52 of 289
     Cameti, Alberto. "La scuola dei pueri cantus di S. Luigi dei francesi in Roma e i suoi principali allievi (1591-1623)." Rivista musicale italiana 22 (1915): 593-641.

53 of 289
     Cameti, Alberto. "L'insegnamento privato della musica alla fine del Cinquecento." Rivista musicale italiana 37 (1930): 74-77. [Includes a 1594 contract by Giovanni Maria Nanino to teach singing, counterpoint, and composition; see pp. 76-77.]

54 of 289
     Camille, Michael. "Seeing and Reading: Some Visual Implications of Medieval Literacy and Illiteracy." Art History 8 (1985): 26-49.

55 of 289
     Carapezza, Paolo Emilio, editor. Scuola polifonica siciliana. Musiche strumentali didattiche. Musiche Rinascimentali Siciliane, 2. Roma: Edizioni De Santis, 1971.

56 of 289
     Carley, James P. and Colin G.C. Tite. Books and Collectors, 1200-1600. London:British Library, 1997.

57 of 289
     Carpenter, Nan Cooke. Music in the Medieval and Renaissance Universities. Norman:University of Oklahoma Press, 1958.

58 of 289
     Carter, Joanna L. "Anleitung zur Singekunst" of Thomas Selle. Musical Theorists in Translation Series, Vol. XVII. Ottawa: Institute of Medieval Music, 2006.

59 of 289
     Carter, Joanna. "Die Lehrmethode und die Anleitung zur Singekunst (um 1642) des Hamburger Kantors Thomas Selle." In Auskunft: Mitteilungsblatt Hamburger Bibliotheken: Thomas Selle (1599-1663): Beitrage zu Leben und Werk des Hamburger Kantors und Komponisten anlasslich seines 400. Geburtstages 1999, vol. 19, no.3 1999, p. 323-338

60 of 289
     Carter, Joanna L. "A Study of Two Seventeenth-century Teaching Manuals in Hamburg: Critical Editions and Translations of Thomas Selle's Kurtze doch gründtliche anleitung zur Singekunst (c. 1642) and Heinrich Grimm's Instrumentum Instrumentorum, hoc est Monochordum vel potius Decachordum." Ph.D. dissertation, Florida State University, 2002.

61 of 289
     Cavallini, Ivano. "Le muse in Illiria: L'Accademia dei Concordi a Ragusa (Dubrovnik) e i ragionamenti sulla musica di Nicolo Vito di Gozze e Michele Monaldi." In In: Glazba, ideje i drustvo: Svecani zbornik za Ivana Supicica/Music, ideas, and society: Essays in honour of Ivan Supicic. Zagreb, Croatia: Hrvatsko Muzikolosko Drustvo, 1993, pp. 21-34. [Cited from RILM]

62 of 289
     Charlton, Kenneth. Education in Renaissance England. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1965

63 of 289
     Chartier, Roger, Dominique Julia, and Marie-Madeleine Compère. L'Éducation en France du XVIe au XVIIIe Siècle. Paris: Sedes, 1976. [Music mentioned passim, particularly in Chapter 8 which discusses the education of girls.]

64 of 289
     Christensen, Thomas, ed. The Cambridge History of Western Music Theory. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 2002.

65 of 289
     Clemmons, William P. "Johann Joseph Fux's Gradus ad Parnassum and the Traditions of Seventeenth-Century Contrapuntal Pedagogy." Ph.D. diss., City University of New York, 2001.

66 of 289
     Coleman, Joyce. Public Reading and the Reading Public in Late Medieval England and France. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1996.

67 of 289
     Copeland, Rita. Pedagogy, Intellectuals, and Dissent in the Later Middle Ages: Lollardy and Ideas of Learning. Cambridge Studies in Medieval Literature. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001. See esp. "General introduction: pedagogy and intellectuals," pp. 1-50. [Does not discuss music.]

68 of 289
     Courtenay, William J. Schools & Scholars in Fourteenth-Century England. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1987. [EARLY: 14th c]

69 of 289
     Craig-McFeely, Julia. "English Lute Manuscripts and Scribes 1530-1630." Ph.D. Diss., Oxford, 2000. [See especially "Pedagogical Books," pp. 87-97.]

70 of 289
     Cressy, David. Literacy and the Social Order: Reading and Writing in Tudor and Stuart England. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1980.

71 of 289
     Cressy, David. Education in Tudor and Stuart England. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1976.

72 of 289
     Culley, Thomas D. Jesuits and Music: A Study of the Musicians Connected with the German College in Rome During the 17th Century and of their Activities in Northern Europe. Sources and Studies for the History of the Jesuits, 2. Rome: Jesuit Historical Institute, 1970.

73 of 289
     D’Accone, Frank A. The Civic Muse: Music and Musicians in Siena during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1997.

74 of 289
     de André, Clóvis. "Inscribing Medieval Pedagody: Musica Ficta in Its Texts." Ph.D. diss., SUNY-Buffalo, 2005.

75 of 289
     Demouy, Patrick. "Une source inedite de l'histoire des maitrises: Le reglement des enfants de choeur de Notre-Dame de Reims." In Symphonies lorraines: Compositeurs, executants, destinataires. Ed. Yves Ferraton. Paris: Klincksieck, 1998, p. 169-183. [Includes text of the 16th c. Premier reglement de la maitrise governing choirboys at Reims.]

76 of 289
     Dewitte, Albert. "Zangmeesters, 'schoolmeesters' en organisten aan de Sint-Gilleskerk te Brugge, ca. 1471-ca. 1570." Biekorf, Vol. LXXVII/3-4 (March-April 1977): 89-99. [Consulted via RILM abstract]

77 of 289
     Dompnier, Bernard, ed. Maitrises & chapelles aux XVIIe & XVIIIe siecles: Des institutions musicales au service de Dieu. Histoires croisees 2003. Clermont-Ferrand, France: Presses Universitaires Blaise Pascal, 2003.

78 of 289
     Dubois, Elfrieda. “The Education of Women in Seventeenth-Century France.” French Studies 32 (1978): 1-19.

79 of 289
     Durkan, John. "Distribution of Lowland Schools before 1633." In Atlas of Scottish History to 1707, edited by Peter G. B. McNeill and Hector L. MacQueen. Edinburgh: The Scottish Medievalists and Department of Geography, University of Edinburgh, 1996, pp. 437-39.

80 of 289
     Edgecombe, David. Theatrical Training during the Age of Shakespeare. Studies in Theatre Arts 2. Lewiston, Queenston, and Lampeter: Mellen, 1995.

81 of 289
     Edwards, Warwick Anthony. “The performance of ensemble music in Elizabethan England.” Proceedings of the Royal Musical Association, 97 (1970-71): 113-23.

82 of 289
     Einstein, Alfred. "Vincenzo Galilei and the Instructive Duo." Music and Letters 18 (1937): 360-8.

83 of 289
     Elm, Kaspar. "Mendikantenstudium, Laienbildung und Klerikerschulung." In Studien zum städtischen Bildungswesen des späten Mittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit. Bericht über Kolloquien der Kommission zur Erforschung der Kultur des Spätmittelalters 1978 bis 1981.. Ed. Bernd Moeller, Hans Patze and Karl Stackmann. Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen 137. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1983, 184-213.

84 of 289
     Fabris, Dinko. "Lute Tablature Instructions in Italy: A Survey of the 'Regole' from 1507 to 1759." In Performance on Lute, Guitar, and Vihuela: Historical Practice and Modern Interpretation, edited by Victor A. Coelho. Cambridge Studies in Performance Practice. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Cambridge University Press, 1997, pp. 16-46.

85 of 289
     Fallows, David. "Henry VIII as a Composer." In Sundry Sorts of Music Books: Essays on the British Library Collections, Presented to O.W. Neighbour on his 70th Birthday, edited by Chris Banks, Arthur Searle and Malcolm Turner. London: The British Library, 1993, pp. 27-39.

86 of 289
     Favre, Georges. Histoire de l'éducation musicale. Paris: La pensée universelle, 1980. [Chapter II: A l'epoque medievale, pp. 25-43 covers education through the 15th century; Chapter III: L'epoque de la Renaissance, pp. 45-65 and Chapter IV: Au XVIIe siecle, 67-90 address the later eras.]

87 of 289
     Fenlon, Iain. "The status of music and musicians in the early Italian Renaissance." In Le concert des voix et des instruments a la Renaissance. Paris, France: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique [CNRS], 1995, pp. 57-70.

88 of 289
     Fenlon: Iain. "The Claims of Choreography -- Women Courtiers and Danced Spectacle in Late Sixteenth-Century Paris and Ferrara." In: Frauen und Musik im Europa des 16. Jahrhunderts: Infrastrukturen – Aktivitäten – Motivationen. Ed. Nicole Schwindt. Troja, Trossinger Jahrbuch für Renaissancemusik 4. Kassel: Bärenreiter 2005, pp. 75-90.

89 of 289
     Ferrante, Joan M. “The Education of Women in the Middle Ages in Theory, Fact and Fantasy.” In Beyond their Sex: Learned Women of the European Past, edited by Patricia H. Labalme. New York: New York University Press, 1980, pp. 9-42.

90 of 289
     Fitzgerald, Colleen. "To Educate or Instruct? Du Bosc and Fénelon on Women." In Women's Education in Early Modern Europe: A History, 1500 to 1800. Ed. Barbara J. Whitehead. Garland reference library of social science, v. 1124. Studies in the history of education, v. 7. New York and London: Garland Publishing, 1999. Pp. 159-91.

91 of 289
     Flynn, Jane. “The Education of Choristers in England During the Sixteenth Century.” In English Choral Practice, 1400–1650, edited by John Morehen. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1995, pp. 180-99.

92 of 289
     Flynn, Jane. "A Reconsideration of the Mulliner Book (British Library Add. MS 30513): Music Education in Sixteenth-Century England." Ph.D. diss., Duke University, 1993. [Excerpt from Dissertation Abstracts: "The dissertation describes in detail the training and career expectations of choristers during the pre-Reformation period and compares them with the different methods and aims of the end of the sixteenth century, when choristers spent far more time studying in the class-room than in performing the liturgy. The whole approach to music education became more 'academic' than practical, with an emphasis on written rather than oral (improvised) exercises."]

93 of 289
     Forney, Kristine K. "'Nymphes Gayes en Abry du Laurier': Music Instruction for the Bourgeois Woman." Musica Disciplina, 49 (1995): 151-87.

94 of 289
     Forrester, Donald W. "An Introduction to Seventeenth-Century Spanish Music Theory Books." Journal of Research in Music Education 21, no. 1 (1973): 61-67.

95 of 289
     Frati, L. "Memorie per la storia della musica in Bologna dal secolo xv al xvi." Rivista musicale italiana 24 (1917): 449-78. [Includes a 1478 contract for organ instruction, p. 451.]

96 of 289
     Galiano, Carlo. "La musica e il mondo in Italia durante il Rinascimento: Sistema della dedica e modelli culturali nobiliari nelle villanelle e canzonelle di Gasparo Fiorino." In Villanella--napolitana--canzonetta: Relazioni tra Gasparo Fiorino, compositori calabresi e scuole italiane del Cinquecento (International Conference Proceedings, 1994), ed. M. P. Borsetta and A. Pugliese (Vibo Valentia 1999), pp. 491-586.

97 of 289
     Gallo, F. Alberto. "Orpheus Christianus." In Music in the castle : troubadours, books, and orators in Italian courts of the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth centuries. Translated from the Italian by Anna Herklotz; translations from Latin by Kathryn Krug. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1995.

98 of 289
     Garcia Fraile, Damaso. "Salinas, catedratico de la Universidad de Salamanca." In: Livro de homenagem a Macario Santiago Kastner. Lisboa: Fundacao Calouste Gulbenkian, 1992, pp. 431-462.

99 of 289
     Garcia Fraile, Damaso. "La catedra de musica de la Universidad de Salamanca durante diecisiete anos del siglo XV (1464-1481)." Anuario musical 46 (1991): 57-101.

100 of 289
     Gargiulo, Piero. "Le regole 'pratiche' e 'utilissime' nei trattati di Antonio Brunelli." Nuova rivista musicale italiana, XVIII (1984): 554-71.

101 of 289
     Gaussin, Pierre-Roger and Madeleine Vallet. "L'instruction Secondaire des Filles en Forez au XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles." In Religion et Politique: Les deux Guerres mondiales: Histoire de Lyon et du Sud-Est. Mélange offerts à André Latreille. Lyon: Audin, 1972, pp. 455-71. [Does not discuss music.]

102 of 289
     Glaisyer, Natasha and Sara Pennell, eds. Didactic literature in England, 1500-1800: Expertise Constructed. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2003.

103 of 289
     Goldstein, Carl. Teaching Art: Academies and Schools from Vasari to Albers. Cambridge, Massachussets: Cambridge University Press, 1996.

104 of 289
     Gómez, Maricarmen. "Minstrel Schools in the Late Middle Ages." Early Music, 18 (1990): 213-15.

105 of 289
     Gouk, Penelope. Music, Science and Natural Magic in Seventeenth-Century England. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1999.

106 of 289
     Gouk, Penelope. "Speculative and practical music in seventeenth-century England: Oxford University as a case study." In Atti del XIV congresso della Societa Internazionale di Musicologia, Bologna, 1987: Trasmissione e recezione delle forme di cultura musicale. Torino: Edizioni di Torino, 1990, pp. 199-205.

107 of 289
     Grafton, Anthony. New Worlds, Ancient Texts: The Power of Tradition and the Shock of Discovery. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1992. [Does not discuss music.]

108 of 289
     Grafton, Anthony. From Humanism to the Humanities: The Institutionalizing of the Liberal Arts in Fifteenth and Sixteenth-Century Europe. Cambridge, Massachusetts:Harvard University Press, 1986. No music.

109 of 289
     Grafton, Anthony. Defenders of the Text: The Traditions of Scholarship in an Age of Science, 1450-1800. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1991.

110 of 289
     Grafton, Anthony. Commerce with the Classics: Ancient Books and Renaissance Readers. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1997. [Does not discuss music]

111 of 289
     Grafton, Anthony. "Education and Apprenticeship." In William Shakespeare: his world, his work, his influence. John F. Andrews, editor. New York: Scribner, 1985, vol. 1, pp. 55-65.

112 of 289
     Green, Lowell. “The Education of Women in the Reformation.” History of Education Quarterly, 19, no. 1 (Spring 1979): 93-116.

113 of 289
     Green, Lucy. Music, Gender, Education. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1997. See esp. pp. 31-36, 5-65,90-94.

114 of 289
     Gregori i Cifre, Josep Maria. "Mateu Ferrer tenorista i Mestre de Cant de la Seu de Barcelona, 1477-1498." Recerca Musicologica 3 (1983): 7-37.

115 of 289
     Gregori i Cifre, Josep Maria. "La docencia de l'orgue a la primeria del segle XVII a Girona." Recerca musicologica 8 (1988): 135-89. [Contract 1611 between organ teacher and student]

116 of 289
     Gregori i Cifre, Josep Maria. "La controvertida preeminencia musical de la sev dins la Barcelona de la segona meitas del segle XVI." Anuario musical 46 (1991): 103-125. [Consulted via RILM]

117 of 289
     Gregori i Cifre, Josep Maria. "Els mestres de cant de la seu de Barcelona en el Renaixement." Recerca musicologica, 4 (1984): 19-79.

118 of 289
     Gregori i Cifre, Josep Maria. "Els escolans cantors de la Seu de Barcelona, 1459-1589." Recerca musicologica, 8 (1988) 47-63. [Appendix includes "Obligacions dels escolans cantors del 1581" and "Ordenacions dels escolans de la catedral del 1589"]

119 of 289
     Grendler, Paul F. The Universities of the Italian Renaissance. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2002. [p. 11, n. 22: "There were no professors of music in Italian universities..."; No direct discussion of music.]

120 of 289
     Grendler, Paul F. Schooling in Renaissance Italy: Literacy and Learning, 1300- 1600, The Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science, 107th ser., 1. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1989.

121 of 289
     Grendler, Paul F. “What Zuanne Read in School: Vernacular Texts in Sixteenth-Century Venetian Schools.” The Sixteenth Century Journal 13, no. 1 (1982). 41-53.

122 of 289
     Grendler, Paul F. "The Organization of Primary and Secondary Education in the Italian Renaissance." The Catholic Historical Review 71 (April 1985): 185-205.

123 of 289
     Haar, James. "Lessons in Theory from a Sixteenth-Century Composer." In Altro Polo: Essays on Italian Music in the Cinquecento, ed. R. Charteris. Sydney, 1990, pp. 51–81. Rpt. in The Science and Art of Renaissance Music, edited by Paul Corneilson. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1998.

124 of 289
     Haas, Max. "Studien zur mittelalterlichen Musiklehre I: Eine Übersicht über die Musiklehre im Kontext der Philosophie des 13. und frühen 14. Jahrhunderts." Forum musicologicum III (1982), 93-163 and 323-456. [EARLY: 13th and 14th centuries.]

125 of 289
     Haenen, Greta. "Der Sanger und das Madrigal: Der Interpret und die Neue Musik." In Orlandus Lassus and his time. Yearbook of the Alamire Foundation, 1. Peer: Alamire, 1994, pp. 347-360.

126 of 289
     Haggh, Barbara. “Foundations or Institutions? On Bringing the Middle Ages into the History of Medieval Music.” Acta Musicologica 68 (1996): 87-128. [Centers on the distinction between foundations and institutions. Gives an overview of the importance of foundations to late medieval/early modern musical practices. Discusses choirboys passim with references to specific documents.]

127 of 289
     Haggh, Barbara. "Singers and Scribes in the Secular Churches of Brussels." In Music and Musicians in Renaissance Cities and Towns, edited by Fiona Kisby. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001, pp. 143-56.

128 of 289
     Hanhan, Alison. "The Musical Studies of a Fifteenth-Century Wool Merchant." Review of English Studies 8 (1957): 270-4. [Includes payment records for lessons with Calais harper 1473-5]

129 of 289
     Hardman, Phillipa. "'This Litel Child, His Litel Book': Narratives for Children in Late-Fifteenth-Century England." Journal of the Early Book Society 7 (2004): 51-66. [Does not discuss music.]

130 of 289
     Harràn, Don. "Madame Europa, Jewish Singer in Late Renaissance Mantua." In Festa Musicologia: Essays in Honor of George J. Buelow. Ed. Thomas J. Mathiesen and Benito V. Rivera. Festschrift series, no. 14. Stuyvesant, NY: Pendragon Press, 1995. Pp. 198-204.

131 of 289
     Heller, George. “Fray Pedro de Gante, Pioneer American Music Educator.” Reprinted from the 1979 MENC in The Journal of Research in Music Education, vol. 27, no. 1 (Spring, 1979): 21-28 and again in A Cross-Section of Research in Music Education, ed. Stephen Barnes, Lanham, MD, 1982.

132 of 289
     Helms, Dietrich. “Guilielmus Monachus and Henry VIII: Formulaic Compositional Techniques Around 1500.” Tijtschrift voor Muziektheorie 4, no. 1, (1999): 15-23. ["Around 1500 the standard curriculum of a choirboy must have been singing--including the ability to read music and the acquisition of a repertoire of changs and polyphonic compositions--then improvising and finally composing..." (p. 16).]

133 of 289
     Helms, Dietrich. Heinrich VIII und die Musik: Überlieferung, musikalische Bildung des Adels und Kompositionstechniken eines Königs. Schriften zur Musikwissenschaft aus Münster 11. Eisenach: Wagner, 1998.

134 of 289
     Helms, Dietrich. "Der Humanismus und die musikalische Erziehung der Frau in der Renaissance." In: Vom Umgang des Faches Musikpädagogik mit seiner Geschichte. Ed. Mechthild von Schoenebeck. Musikpädagogische Forschung 21. Essen: Blaue Eule, 2001, pp. 63-81.

135 of 289
     Helms, Dietrich. "Denken in Intervallverbänden: Kompositionsdidaktik und Kompositionstechnik um 1500." Die Musikforschung 54 (2001): 1-23.

136 of 289
     Helms, Dietrich. "'An handmaid unto virtue': Musik und Weiblichkeit in Diskursen der englischen Renaissance." In: Frauen und Musik im Europa des 16. Jahrhunderts: Infrastrukturen – Aktivitäten – Motivationen. Ed. Nicole Schwindt. Troja, Trossinger Jahrbuch für Renaissancemusik 4. Kassel: Bärenreiter 2005, pp. 23-50.

137 of 289
     Herissone, Rebecca. Music Theory in Seventeenth-Century England. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000.

138 of 289
     Higgins, Paula. "Tracing the careers of late medieval composers: The case of Philippe Basiron of Bourges." Acta musicologica 62 (1990): 1-28. [See esp. 5-12 and 22 for a review of the life of a choirboy and the duties of choirmaster.]

139 of 289
     Holtz, Sabine. "Schule und Reichsstadt: Bildungsangebote in der Freien Reichsstadt Esslingen am Ende des späten Mittelalters." In Schule und Schüler im Mittelalter: Beiträge zur europäischen Bildungsgeschichte des 9. bis 15. Jahrhunderts. Ed. Martin Kintzinger, Sönke Lorenz, Michael Walter. Köln, Weimar, Wien: Böhlau Verlag, 1996, pp. 441-68.

140 of 289
     Hudson, Anne. The Premature Reformation: Wycliffite Texts and Lollard History. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1988. Minimal music references

141 of 289
     Hudson, Anne. Lollards and Their Books. London: The Hambledon Press, 1985. No music.

142 of 289
     Hudson, Elizabeth K. “The Colloquies of Maturin Cordier: Images of Calvinist School Life and Thought.” The Sixteenth Century Journal 9, no. 3 (1978): 57-78. [Psalm singing mentioned passim.]

143 of 289
     Huglo, Michael. “The Study of Ancient Sources of Music Theory in the Medieval Universities.” In Music Theory and Its Sources: Antiquity and the Middle Ages, edited by Andre Barbera. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1990. [EARLY]

144 of 289
     Hulse, Lynn. “Musical Apprenticeship in Noble Households.” In John Jenkins and His Time: Studies in English Consort Music, edited by Andrew Ashby and Peter Holman. Oxford: Clarendon, 1996, pp. 75-88.

145 of 289
     Huot, Sylvia. "A Book Made for a Queen: The Shaping of a Late Medieval Anthology Manuscript (B.N. fr. 24429)." In The Whole Book: Cultural Perspectives on the Medieval Miscellany, edited by Stephen G. Nichols and Siegfried Wenzel. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1996, pp. 123-43. [Does not discuss music.]

146 of 289
     Huppert, George. Public Schools in Renaissance France. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1984. [No discussion of music.]

147 of 289
     Jaeger, C. Stephen. The Envy of Angels: Cathedral Schools and Social Ideals in Medieval Europe, 950-1200. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1994. [EARLY; See esp. pp. 164-172]

148 of 289
     James, William Ashton. An Account of the Grammar and Song Schools of the Collegiate Church of Blessed Mary the Virgin of Southwell. Southwell, Notts: G. Padgett, 1927.

149 of 289
     Judd, Cristle Collins. Reading Renaissance Music Theory: Hearing with the Eyes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000.

150 of 289
     Kaufmann, Michael Gerhard. "'...dan es ist daß Künd Sauer Vnd Hart genueg ankhommen...': Zur Ausbildung und zum Gebrauch von Tasteninstrumenten in oberschwäbischen Frauenklöstern im 16. Jahrhundert." In: Frauen und Musik im Europa des 16. Jahrhunderts: Infrastrukturen – Aktivitäten – Motivationen. Ed. Nicole Schwindt. Troja, Trossinger Jahrbuch für Renaissancemusik 4. Kassel: Bärenreiter 2005, pp. 137-154.

151 of 289
     Kayserling, Meyer. Die jüdischen Frauen in der Geschichte, Literatur und Kunst. Bibliothek des deutschen Judentums. Abteilung 5, Literatur- und Kulturgeschichte. Published 1879, rpt. Hildesheim: Olms, 1991. [See discussion of music, p. 320ff.]

152 of 289
     Kendrick, Robert. Celestial Sirens: Nuns and their Music in Early Modern Milan. Oxford:Clarendon Press, 1996. See esp. pp. 177-83 on the education of novices.

153 of 289
     Kintzinger, Martin. "Varietas puerorum: Unterricht und Gesang in Stifts- und Stadtschulen des späten Mittelalters." In Schule und Schüler im Mittelalter: Beiträge zur europäischen Bildungsgeschichte des 9. bis 15. Jahrhunderts. Ed. Martin Kintzinger, Sönke Lorenz, Michael Walter. Köln, Weimar, Wien: Böhlau Verlag, 1996, pp. 299-326.

154 of 289
     Kmetz, John. "The Piperinus-Amerbach partbooks: Six months of music lessons in Renaissance Basle." In Music in the German Renaissance: Sources, styles and contexts. Ed. John Kmetz. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University, 1994, pp. 215-234.

155 of 289
     Koldau, Linda Maria. "'Als hört man junge Meidle singen': Bürgerliche Frauen im deutschen Musikleben der Frühen Neuzeit." In: Frauen und Musik im Europa des 16. Jahrhunderts: Infrastrukturen – Aktivitäten – Motivationen. Ed. Nicole Schwindt. Troja, Trossinger Jahrbuch für Renaissancemusik 4. Kassel: Bärenreiter 2005, pp.

156 of 289
     Krautwurst, Franz. "Anmerkungen zu den Chorales des Nurnberger Heiliggeistspitals im ersten Viertel des 16. Jahrhunderts." Mitteilungen zur Geschichte des Verein fur Geschichte der Stadt Nurnberg 68 (1981): 122-29.

157 of 289
     Kremer, Joachim. "Change and Continuity in the Reformation Period: Church Music in North German Towns, 1500-1600." In Music and Musicians in Renaissance Cities and Towns, edited by Fiona Kisby. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001, pp. 118-130.

158 of 289
     Krones, Hartmut, ed. Alte Musik und Musikpadagogik. Wiener Schriften zur Stilkunde und Auffuhrungspraxis, 1. Vienna, Austria: Bohlau, 1997.

159 of 289
     Lapidge, Michael. “The Study of Latin Texts in late Anglo-Saxon England: the Evidence of Latin Glosses.” In Latin and the Vernacular Languages in Early Medieval Britain, edited by Nicholas Brooks.Leicester: Leicester University Press, 1982, pp. 99-140. [EARLY; does not discuss music]

160 of 289
     Leach, Arthur F. The Schools of Medieval England. First published 1915; rpt New York and London: Benjamin Blom, 1968. [See esp. Chapter XI, "The Almonry or Choristers' Schools in the Monasteries," Chapter XII, "The Fifteenth Century and Humanism, and Chapter XIII, "Henry VIII and the Schools. Includes several plates.]

161 of 289
     Leach, Arthur F. English Schools at the Reformation 1546-8. New York: Russell & Russell, 1896.

162 of 289
     Leach, Arthur F. Educational Charters and Documents, 598- 1909. Cambridge, England: The University Press, 1911.

163 of 289
     Leclerq, Jean. The Love of Learning and the Desire for God: A Study of Monastic Culture. New York: Fordham University Press, 1982. [EARLY: Carolingian.] See esp. Ch 5: Sacred learning; Ch. 7: Liberal studies; Ch. 9 Monastic Theology (which has a section on the two kinds of schools, monks' schools and clerical schools); and Ch. 10 The Poem of the Liturgy (which address musical issues but not musical learning per se).

164 of 289
     Lee-De Amici, Beth Anne. "Academic Colleges in the Oxford Community, 1400-1560." In Music and Musicians in Renaissance Cities and Towns, edited by Fiona Kisby. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001, pp. 94-105.

165 of 289
     Lee, Paul. Nunneries, Learning and Spirituality in Late Medieval English Society: The Dominican Priory of Dartford. Woodbridge [Suffolk]: York Medieval, 2001. [Music mentioned passim.]

166 of 289
     Leff, Gordon. Paris and Oxford in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centurias: An Institutional and Intellectual History. New York: Wiley, 1968.

167 of 289
     Lenzi, Maria L. Donne e Madonne: l'educazione femminile nel primo Rinascimento italiano. Turin: Loescher, 1982. [Does not discuss music.]

168 of 289
     Lester, Joel. Between modes and keys: German theory, 1592-1802. Harmonologia, 3. Stuyvesant, NY: Pendragon, 1989.

169 of 289
     Lester, Joel. "Root-position and inverted triads in theory around 1600." Journal of the American Musicological Society 27 (1974): 110-19.

170 of 289
     Lester, Joel. "Major-minor concepts and modal theory in Germany: 1592-1680." Journal of the American Musicological Society 30 (1977): 208-53.

171 of 289
     Lippman, Edward A. "The place of music in the system of liberal arts" Chap. 5 in The Philosophy and Aesthetics of Music. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1999.

172 of 289
     Livingstone, Ernest. “The Place of Music in German Education from the Beginnings Through the 16th Century.” Journal of Research in Music Education 25, no. 2 (Summer 1967): 243-77.

173 of 289
     Lorenz, Ralph. "Canon as a Pedagogical Tool: Applications from Sixteenth-Century Wittenberg." Indiana Theory Review 16 (Spring/Fall 1995): 83-104.

174 of 289
     Lorenzetti, Stefano. "Musicae vis in animum: On the relationship between vocal and instrumental practice in the pedagogical treatises of the XVIth century." In Le concert des voix et des instruments a la Renaissance. Paris, France: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique [CNRS], 1995, pp. 39-50.

175 of 289
     Lorenzetti, Stefano. ""Quel celeste cantar che mi disface": Immagine della donna ed educazione alla musica nell'ideale pedagogice del Rinascimento italiano." Studi musicali 23 (1994): 241-261.

176 of 289
     Luke, Carmen. Pedagogy, Printing and Protestantism: The Discourse on Childhood. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1989.

177 of 289
     Lumpkin, Royce Edgar. "The Sinfonie, scherzi, ricercari, caprici, et fantasie of Antonio Troilo: a discussion and modern edition." Ph.D. diss., University of Oklahoma, 1978.

178 of 289
     MacDonald, A.A. “The Renaissance Household as Centre of Learning”. In Centres of Learning and Location in Pre-Modern Europe and the Near East, Brill's Studies in Intellectual History. Edited by Drijvers, Jan and Alasdair Al. MacDonald. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1995. [Does not discuss music.]

179 of 289
     Mark, Michael L., ed. Music Education: Source Readings from Ancient Greece to Today. 2d ed. New York: Routledge, 2002.

180 of 289
     McGuire, Thérèse B. “Monastic Artists and Educators in the Middle Ages.” Women's Art Journal 9 (1988-89): 3-9. [EARLY: 12th c.]

181 of 289
     McSheffrey, Shannon. Gender and Heresy: Women and Men in Lollard Communities, 1420-1530. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1995. No discussion of music.

182 of 289
     Meine, Sabine. "Selbstinszenierung und Distinktion – Zur Funktion der höfischen Musik bei Isabella d’Este Gonzaga." In Frauen und Musik im Europa des 16. Jahrhunderts: Infrastrukturen – Aktivitäten – Motivationen. Ed. Nicole Schwindt. Troja, Trossinger Jahrbuch zur Renaissanceforschung 4. Kassel: Barenreiter, 2005, pp. 51-75.

183 of 289
     Meyer, Christian. "L'enseignement de la musique dans les universités Allemandes au Moyen Age." In L'Enseignement de la musique au Moyen Age et à la Renaissance: colloque. Paris: Foundation Royaumont, 1987, pp. 87-95.

184 of 289
     Meyer, Christian. "Ein deutscher Orgeltraktat vom Anfang des 15. Jahrhunderts." Musik in Bayern, 29 (1984): 43-60. [Treatises introduce aspiring organist to counterpoint and melodic embellishment.]

185 of 289
     Michalove, Sharon D. “The Education of Aristocratic Women in 15th Century England.” In Estrangement, Enterprise and Education in Fifteenth-Century England, edited by Sharon Michalove and A. Compton Reeves. Stroud: Sutton Publishing, 1998. [Music mentioned passim.]

186 of 289
     Michalove, Sharon D. "Equal in Opportunity? The Education of Aristocratic Women 1450-1540." In Women's Education in Early Modern Europe: A History, 1500 to 1800. Ed. Barbara J. Whitehead. Garland reference library of social science, v. 1124. Studies in the history of education, v. 7. New York and London: Garland Publishing, 1999. Pp. 47-74. [Mentions music passim.]

187 of 289
     Moens, Karel. "Musizierende Frauen in moralisierenden Bildquellen des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts aus den alten Niederlanden." In: Frauen und Musik im Europa des 16. Jahrhunderts: Infrastrukturen – Aktivitäten – Motivationen. Ed. Nicole Schwindt. Troja, Trossinger Jahrbuch für Renaissancemusik 4. Kassel: Bärenreiter 2005, pp. 171-194.

188 of 289
     Monica, M. Angela Merici and Her Teaching Idea, 1474-1540. New York: Longmans, Green and Co., 1927.

189 of 289
     Monson, Craig A. Disembodied Voices: Music and Culture in an Early Modern Italian Convent. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995. See esp. Chapter 2: Lucrezia Vizzana's Musical Apprenticeship, pp. 36-55; see also discussion of educande, 136-40.

190 of 289
     Moore, Cornelia Niekus. The Maiden's Mirror: Reading Material for German Girls in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1987.

191 of 289
     Moran, Jo Ann Hoeppner. The Growth of English Schooling, 1340-1548: Learning, Literacy, and Laicization in Pre-Reformation York Diocese. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1985. pp. 53-62, 67.

192 of 289
     Morard, Nicolas. "'Grande' et 'Petite' École: 'Magister' et 'Magistra' à Fribourg (1249-1425)." Zeitschrift für schweizerische Kirchengeschichte 81 (1987): 83-104. [EARLY: 13th-15th c.; does not discuss music.]

193 of 289
     Moss, Ann. Printed Commonplace-Books and the Structuring of Renaissance Thought. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996.

194 of 289
     Moyer, Anne E. Musica Scientia: Musical Scholarship in the Italian Renaissance. Ithaca: Cornell Univ Press, 1992.

195 of 289
     Mulcaster, Richard. The Training Up of Children [1581]. Facsimile edition. Amsterdam: Da Capo Press, 1971.

196 of 289
     Newcomb, Anthony. "Courtesans, Muses, or Musicians? Professional Women Musicians in Sixteenth-Century Italy." In Women Making Music: the Western Art Tradition, 1150-1950. Ed. Jane Bower and Judith Tick. Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1986, 90-115.

197 of 289
     Niemöller, Klaus Wolfgang. Untersuchungen zu Musikpflege und Musikunterricht an den deutschen Lateinschulen vom ausgehenden Mittelalter bis um 1600. K&oulm;lner Beiträge zur Musikforschung, LIV. Regensburg: Bosse, 1969. [An chronological listing of Schulordnungen, 1336-1621, appears as Appendix A, pp. 689-706]

198 of 289
     Niemöller, Klaus W. “Zur Musiktheorie in enzyklopädischen Wissenschaftssystem des 16./17. Jahrhunderts.” In Über Musiktheorie: Referate der Arbeitstagung 1970 in Berlin. Ed. Frieder Zaminer. Köln: Arno Volk Verlag Hans Gerig, 1970. Pp. 23–36.

199 of 289
     Niemöller, Klaus W. “Zum Einfluss des Humanismus auf Position und Konzeption von Musik im deutschen Bildungssystem der ersten Hälfte des 16. Jahrhunderts.” Musik in Humanismus und Renaissance. Ed. W. Ruegg and A. Schmitt. Weinheim: VCH, 1983. Pp. 77–97.

200 of 289
     Niemöller, Klaus W. "Musikpadagogische Zielvorstellungen zwischen Humanismus und Aufklarung." In: Tagungsbericht Internationale Musikkurse Kloster Steinfeld 1974. Beitrage zur Musikreflexion, 1. Steinfeld: Salvator, 1975, 8-19.

201 of 289
     Niemöller, Klaus Wolfgang. "Deutsche Musiktheorie im 16. Jahrhundert: Geistes- und institutionsgeschichtliche Grundlagen." In: Deutsche Musiktheorie des 15. bis 17. Jahrhunderts. 1. Von Paumann bis Calvisius. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2003, pp. 69-98

202 of 289
     Niemöller, Klaus Wolfgang. "Musik als Lehrgegenstand an den deutschen Universitäten des 16./17. Jahrhunderts." Die Musikforschung 40 (1987): 313-19.

203 of 289
     Nijsten, Gerard. In the Shadow of Burgundy: The Court of Guelders in the Late Middle Ages. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2004. See Chapter 5: Music and Musicians, esp. pp. 160-61 and 178ff.

204 of 289
     Nolte, Eckhard. "Schlaglichter zur Geschichte des schulischen Musikunterrichts in der Neuzeit." In: Musik und Musikunterricht. Geschichte - Gegenwart - Zukunft. Ed. Max Liedtke. Schriftenreihe zum Bayerischen Schulmuseum Ichenhausen, Bd. 19. Bad Heilbrunn 2000, pp. 195-218.

205 of 289
     Oettinger, Rebecca Wagner. Music as Propaganda in the German Reformation. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2001.

206 of 289
     Ongaro, Giulio M. "The Library of a Sixteenth-Century Music Teacher" Journal of Musicology 12, no. 3 (Summer 1994): 357-75.

207 of 289
     Orme, Nicholas. Medieval Children. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2001. See pp. 154-57; 189-91;226-31

208 of 289
     Orme, Nicholas. From Childhood to Chivalry : The Education of the English Kings and Aristocracy, 1066-1530. London: Methuen, (1984).

209 of 289
     Orme, Nicholas. English Schools in the Middle Ages. London: Methuen, 1973.

210 of 289
     Orme, Nicholas. Education in the West of England, 1066-1548 : Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Gloucestershire, Somerset, Wiltshire. Exeter: University of Exeter, (1976).

211 of 289
     Orme, Nicholas. Education in Early Tudor England : Magdalen College Oxford and its school, 1480-1540. Oxford: Magdalen College, (1998).

212 of 289
     Orme, Nicholas. Education and Society in Medieval and Renaissance England. London: The Hambledon Press, 1989. See esp. pp. 192-196

213 of 289
     Orme, Nicholas. "Schoolmasters, 1307-1509." In Profession, Vocation, and Culture in Later Medieval England: Essays Dedicated to the Memory of A. R. Myers. Ed. Cecil H. Clough. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 1982. Pp. 218-241. [Does not discuss music.]

214 of 289
     Owens, Jessie Ann. “Teaching Composition.” Chap. 2 in Composers at Work: The Craft of Musical Composition, 1450-1600. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997.

215 of 289
     Owens, Jessie Ann. “Music Historiography and the Definition of ‘Renaissance.’” Notes 47, no. 2 (December 1990): 305-330. ["Each generation...creates its own hero, either a contemporary composer or one whose feats were still vivid enough to be remembered." p. 313]

216 of 289
     Owens, Jessie Ann. "Concepts of Pitch in English Music Theory, c.1560-1640." In Tonal Structures in Early Music. Cristle Collins Judd, ed. New York and London: Garland, 1998, pp. 183-246.

217 of 289
     Palisca, Claude. Humanism in Italian Renaissance Musical Thought. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1985.

218 of 289
     Parry, A.W. Education in England in the Middle Ages. London: University Tutorial Press, 1920; rpt. New York: AMS Press, 1975. [See esp. Book III Ch. IV Chantries, pp. 157-169]

219 of 289
     Payne, Ian. "The will and probate inventory of John Holmes (d 1629): Instrumental music at Salisbury and Winchester Cathedrals revisited." Antiquaries journal, 83 (2003): pp. 369-96.

220 of 289
     Peters, Gretchen. "Urban Musical Culture in Late Medieval Southern France: Evidence From Private Notarial Contracts."Early Music 25, no. 3, (August 1997): 403-09. [Includes 1432 contract for minstrel; 1310 partnership arrangement; 1450 lease of manual labor as journeyman; 1444 contracts for apprenticeships; discussion of private lessons; 1449 contract to play songs.]

221 of 289
     Pettegree, Andrew. Reformation and the culture of persuasion. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2005. [See especially Chapter 3: Militant in Song, and Chapter 4: Reformers on Stage.]

222 of 289
     Piattoli, Renato. "Un documento fiorentino di apprendistato musicale dell'anno 1504." In Collectanae Historiae Musicae 2 (Florence, 1957), 351-353. [Includes a 1504 contract for teaching organ repertory.]

223 of 289
     Pietzsch, Gerhard. Zur Pflege der Musik an den deutschen Universitäten bis zur Mitte des 16.Jahrhunderts. Hildesheim/New York: Olms, 1971.

224 of 289
     Plank, Steven. "An English miscellany: Musical notes in seventeenth-century diaries and letters." The consort, 41(July 1985): 66-73.

225 of 289
     Plumley, Yolanda. "An 'episode in the south'? Ars subtilior and the patronage of French princes." Early Music History 22 (2003): 103-168. [EARLY: 14th c.]

226 of 289
     Polk, Keith. German instrumental music of the late Middle Ages: players, patrons, and performance practice. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1992. [See esp. discussion of guilds as "an irrelevant nuisance for a broad segment of the leading professional instrumentalists" (p. 123), and discussion of master/apprentice training (125). Includes reference to 1492 contract in Ghent to teach art of playing "shawms, flutes and other instruments" (125); a 1474 document of an amateur harpist which records that he had learned "20 dances," and a citation of a German lute player who had studied with Pietrobono in 1455 and learned "two things of advantage" (p. 125). ]

227 of 289
     Potter, Ursula. "Cockering mothers and humanist pedagogy in two Tudor school plays." Chapter 10 of Domestic Arrangements in Early Modern England, edited by Kari Boyd McBride. Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press, 2002. [Disucsses music passim]

228 of 289
     Potter, Ursula A. "Pedagogy and Parenting in English Drama, 1560-1610: Flogging Schoolmasters and Cockering Mothers." Ph.D. Diss, University of Sydney, 2001. Available at [Music mentioned passim.]

229 of 289
     Price, David Clive. "The Elizabethan household and its musical education." The consort, 32 (1976): 193-99.

230 of 289
     Rainbow, Bernarr. Music in Educational Thought and Practice: A Survey from 800 B.C. Aberystwyth, Wales: Boethius Press, 1989. [See esp. Chapter 4: Renaissance and Reformation (1490-1575), pp. 42-64; Chapter 5: The New Thought (1575-1660), pp. 65-88.]

231 of 289
     Ramos López, Pilar. "Music and Women in Early Modern Spain: Some Discrepancies Between Educational Theory and Musical Practice." In Musical Voices of Early Modern Women, edited by Thomasin LaMay. London: Ashgate, 2005, pp. 97-118.

232 of 289
     Rapley, Elizabeth. A Social History of the Cloister: Daily Life in the Teaching Monasteries of the Old Regime. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2001.

233 of 289
     Ravid, Benjamin. "Curfew Time in the Ghetto of Venice." In Medieval and Renaissance Venice: Studies in Honor of Donald C. Queller. Edited by Ellen E. Kittell and Thomas F. Madden. Champaign and Urbana: Univeristy of Illinois Press, 1999; on music see notes 66-68. [Not consulted directly; cited in Adelman 1999, p. 155]

234 of 289
     Ree Bernard, Nelly van. "Karel V en Filips II en het clavicord." Het Clavichord: Tijdschrift van het Nederlands Clavichord Genootschap, vol. 8, no.3 (Dec 1995): pp. 61-65. [Consulted via RILM abstract]

235 of 289
     Renon, Marie Reine. “La maitrise de la cathedrale St-Etienne de Bourges, du XVIe siecle a la Revolution.” PhD diss., Music history: U. Poitiers, 1982.

236 of 289
     Rigg, A.G. and Gernot Wieland. "A Canterbury Classbook of the Mid-Eleventh Century (the 'Cambridge Songs' Manuscript)." Anglo-Saxon England 4, (1975): 113-30. [EARLY: 11th c.]

237 of 289
     Rizzoli, Francesco. "L'arte della memoria e l'alfabeto per la chitarra spagnola." Il Fronimo: Rivista di chitarra, vol. 25, no.99 (Apr-June 1997): 15-19. [cited from RILM]

238 of 289
     Rokseth, Yvonne. "Notes sur Josquin des Prés comme pédagogue musical." Revue de Musicologie T. 8, No. 24 (1927): 202-4.

239 of 289
     Rosselli, John. "L'apprendistato del cantante italiano: Rapporti contrattuali fra allievi e insegnanti dal Cinquecento al Novecento." Rivista italiana di musicologia XXIII (1988): 157-81.

240 of 289
     Roth, Friedrich. Weibliche Erziehung und weiblicher Unterricht im Zeitalter der Reformation. Inaugural-dissertation zur Erlangung der Doctorwurde der hohen Philosophischen fakultät. Leipzig: Druck von Ferdinand Bar, 1893. [Music mentioned passim, e.g. as included in the Lutheran school curriculum, pp. 32-34]

241 of 289
     Rumery, Leonard. “Music at Seville Under a Renaissance Master.” American Choral Review 23 (April, 1981): 11-17. [Includes text of 1551 capitular act which lists the duties of the master of the boys.]

242 of 289
     Sage, Jack W. “A New Look at Humanism in 16th-century Lute and Vihuela Books” Early Music 20 (1992): 633-41.

243 of 289
     Salmen, Walter. Tanz und Tanzen vom Mittelalter bis zur Renaissance. Terpsichore no: 3. Hildesheim: Olms, 1999.

244 of 289
     Salmen, Walter. "Der Juden Tanzhaus im Mittelalter." In Freiburger Rundbrief, NF Jg. 4 (1997): 92-101. [Not consulted directly; cited in Weiss for regulations governing musical education within the German guild system.]

245 of 289
     Schubert, Peter N. "Counterpoint Pedagogy in the Renaissance." In The Cambridge History of Western Music Theory, edited by Thomas Christensen. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 2002, pp. 503-33.

246 of 289
     Schwindt, Nicole. "Eine bunte Landkarte -- Kategorien und Grade weiblicher Präsenz in der europäischen Musik des 16. Jahrhunderts." In: Frauen und Musik im Europa des 16. Jahrhunderts: Infrastrukturen – Aktivitäten – Motivationen. Ed. Nicole Schwindt. Troja, Trossinger Jahrbuch für Renaissancemusik 4. Kassel: Bärenreiter 2005, pp.

247 of 289
     Shahar, Shulamith. Childhood in the Middle Ages. New York: Routledge, 1990.

248 of 289
     Shapiro, Michael. "Music and song in plays acted by children's companies during the English Renaissance." Current musicology 7 (1968): 97-110.

249 of 289
     Sheingorn, Pamela. "'The Wise Mother': The Image of St Anne Teaching the Virgin Mary." Gesta 32, no. 1 (1993): 69-80. [Does not discuss music.]

250 of 289
     Simon, Joan. Education and Society in Tudor England. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1966.

251 of 289
     Smits van Waesberghe, Joseph. Musikerziehung. Lehre und Theorie der Musik im Mittelalter. Musikgeschichte in Bildern. Bd. 3, Lfg. 3. Leipzig: Deutscher Verlag für Musik, 1969.

252 of 289
     Sparti, Barbara. "Jewish dancing-masters and Jewish dance in Renaissance Itay (Guglielmo Ebreo and beyond)." Jewish folklore and ethnology review, vol. 20, no.1-2 (2000): 11-23.

253 of 289
     Sparti, Barbara. "Dance not only as text: Getting the full(er) picture of dance in Renaissance and Baroque Italy (c. 1455-1630)." In Proceedings of the Society of Dance History Scholars, no.22 (1999), pp. 195-205.

254 of 289
     Spring, Matthew. “Jenkin’s Lute Music: An Approach to Reconstrcting the Lost Multitudes of Lute Lessons.” In John Jenkins and His Time: Studies in English Consort Music. Edited by Andrew Ashbee and Peter Holman. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996.

255 of 289
     Spring, Matthew. The Lute in Britain: A History of the Instrument and Its Music. Oxford Early Music Series. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2001. [See esp. p. 64-69 and passim on the rise of musical literacy and "the quickening pace of domestic music-making activity."]

256 of 289
     Sternfeld, Frederick W. "Music in the Schools of the Reformation." Musica Disciplina 2 (1948): 99-122.

257 of 289
     Stevenson, Robert Murrell. Spanish cathedral music in the Golden Age. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1961. [On choirboys, instruction, and duties of the Maestro, see 8-11, 140-143, and passim.]

258 of 289
     Strauss, Gerald. Luther's House of Learning: Indoctrination of the Young in the German Reformation. Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1978.

259 of 289
     Stricker, Käthe. Deutsche Frauenbildung vom 16. Jahrhundert bis Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts. Quellenhefte zum Frauenleben in der Geschichte, Heft 21. Berlin, F.A. Herbig, 1929. [Provides regulations for several girls' schools in Reformation Germany, including documents from Wittenberg 1533 (7-8), Wolffenbüttel 1543 (9-11), Naumburg 1610 (16-20), etc. Music mentioned passim.]

260 of 289
     Strocchia, Sharon T. "Learning the Virtues: Convent Schools and Female Culture in Renaissance Florence." In Women's Education in Early Modern Europe: A History, 1500 to 1800. Ed. Barbara J. Whitehead. Garland reference library of social science, v. 1124. Studies in the history of education, v. 7. New York and London: Garland Publishing, 1999. Pp. 3-46. [Does not discuss music.]

261 of 289
     Strohm, Reinhard. The Rise of European Music 1380–1500. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993.

262 of 289
     Tilmouth, Michael. "Music on the Travels of an English Merchant: Robert Bargrave (1628-61)." Music and Letters 53 (1972): 143-49.

263 of 289
     Urchueguía, Cristina. "Schlachtenmusik im Nonnenkloster -- Musik in einem spanischen Frauenkloster im 16. Jahrhundert." In: Frauen und Musik im Europa des 16. Jahrhunderts: Infrastrukturen – Aktivitäten – Motivationen. Ed. Nicole Schwindt. Troja, Trossinger Jahrbuch für Renaissancemusik 4. Kassel: Bärenreiter 2005, pp. 117-136.

264 of 289
     Urquhart, Peter Whitney. "Calculated to please the ear: Ockeghem's canonic legacy." Tijdschrift van de Koninklijke Vereniging voor Nederlandse Muziekgeschiedenis, 47 (1997): 72-98.

265 of 289
     Vance, Shona Maclean. “Godly Citizens and Civic Unrest: Tensions in Schooling in Aberdeen in the Era of the Reformation.” European Review of History 7, no. 1 (2000): 123–37.

266 of 289
     Vanderjagt, A.J. “Classical Learning and the Building of Power at the Fifteenth-Century Burgundian Court” In Centres of Learning and Location in Pre-Modern Europe and the Near East, Brill's Studies in Intellectual History. Edited by Drijvers, Jan and Alasdair Al. MacDonald. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1995. [Does not discuss music.]

267 of 289
     Vendrix, Philippe Pierre. "On the theoretical expression of music in France during the Renaissance." Early music history, 13 (1994): 249-273.

268 of 289
     Viguerie, Jean de. L'institution des enfants. L'éducation en France, 16e-18e siècle. Paris: Calmann-Lévy, 1978. [Does not discuss music.]

269 of 289
     Wagner, David L. The Seven Liberal Arts in the Middle Ages. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1983.

270 of 289
     Walter, Michael. "Sunt preterea multa quae conferri magis quam scribi oportet: Zur Materialität der Kommunikation im mittelalterlichen Gesangsunterricht." In Schule und Schüler im Mittelalter: Beiträge zur europäischen Bildungsgeschichte des 9. bis 15. Jahrhunderts. Ed. Martin Kintzinger, Sönke Lorenz, Michael Walter. Köln, Weimar, Wien: Böhlau Verlag, 1996, pp. 111-43. [EARLY, esp. 9th-13th c]

271 of 289
     Ward, John M. Music for Elizabethan Lutes. Oxford: Clarendon, 1992. [See esp. vol 1, 16-21, for a discussion of tablatures associated with the school play July and Julian probably intended for pedagogical ends.]

272 of 289
     Wason, Robert W. “Music Practica: Music Theory as Pedagogy,” In The Cambridge History of Western Music Theory, edited by Thomas Christensen. Cambridge,England: Cambridge University Press, 2002.

273 of 289
     Watson, Foster. The English Grammar Schools to 1660: Their Curriculum and Practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1908, repr. 1968.

274 of 289
     Weaver, Elissa. Convent Theatre in Early Modern Italy: Spiritual Fun and Learning for Women. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001.

275 of 289
     Weber, Edith. "L'Enseignement de la musique dans les écoles humanistes et protestantes en Allemagne: Théorie, pratique, pluridisciplinarité." In L'Enseignement de la musique au Moyen Age et à la Renaissance: colloque. Paris: Foundation Royaumont, 1987, pp. 108-129.

276 of 289
     Weiss, Susan Forscher. "The Singing Hand." In Writing on Hands: Memory and Knowledge in Early Modern Europe, edited by Claire Richter Sherman. Seattle: University of Washington Press for the Trout Gallery of Dickinson College and the Folger Shakespeare Library, 2000.

277 of 289
     Weiss, Susan Forscher. "Musical Pedagogy in the German Renaissance." In Cultures of Communication from Reformation to Enlightenment: Constructing Publics in the Early Modern German Lands, edited by James van Horn Melton. Burlington, Vermont: Ashgate, 2002, pp. 198-224. ["...the Germans were interested in teaching practical elements of music...."]

278 of 289
     Weiss, Susan Forscher. "Didactic Sources of Musical Learning in Early Modern England." In Didactic literature in England, 1500-1800: Expertise Constructed, ed. Natasha Glaisyer and Sara Pennell. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2003, pp.

279 of 289
     Whitaker, Virgil K. Shakespeare's Use of Learning. San Marino, Calif.: Huntington Library, 1953.

280 of 289
     Whitehead, Barbara J., ed. Women's Education in Early Modern Europe: A History, 1500 to 1800. Garland reference library of social science, v. 1124. Studies in the history of education, v. 7. New York and London: Garland Publishing, 1999. [See entries for Strocchia, Michalove, Adelman, and Fitzgerald.]

281 of 289
     Whitwell, David. The Renaissance wind band and wind ensemble. The History and literature of the wind band and wind ensemble; v. 2. Northridge, CA: Winds, 1983.

282 of 289
     Wieland, Gernot. “The Glossed Manuscript: Classbook or Library Book?” Anglo-Saxon England 14, (1985): 153-174. [EARLY: Anglo-Saxon; does not discuss music.] "In this article I wish to establish a set of criteria which will allow us to identify a glossed manuscript as a classbook." (p. 153)

283 of 289
     Woodfield, Ian. The early history of the viol. Cambridge musical texts and monographs. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1984.

284 of 289
     Woodfill, Walter L. "Education of professional musicians in Elizabethan England." Medievalia et humanistica, vol. 6 (1950): 101-8.

285 of 289
     Woodward, William Harrison. Studies in Education during the Age of the Renaissance, 1400-1600. Columbia, New York: Teachers College Press, 1967.

286 of 289
     Wright, Craig M. Music and ceremony at Notre Dame of Paris, 500-1550. Cambridge studies in music. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1989. See esp. discussion of cathedral school, pp. 174-80.

287 of 289
     Wright, Craig. "Education in the Maitrise of Notre-Dame of Paris at the end of the Middle Age." In L'Enseignement de la musique au Moyen Age et à la Renaissance: colloque. Paris: Foundation Royaumont, 1987, pp. 130-33. See also Wright, Music and Ceremony, 1987.

288 of 289
     Yudkin, Jeremy. Translation, edition and commentary on Johannes Thomas Freig, Paedagogus: 1582. The chapter on music. Musicological studies & documents, 38. [N.p.]: American Institute of Musicology; Neuhausen-Stuttgart : Hänssler-Verlag, 1983.

289 of 289
     Zahnd, Urs Martin. "Chordienst und Schule in eidgenössischen Städten des Spätmittelalters: Eine Untersuchung auf Grund der Verhältnisse in Bern, Freiburg, Luzern und Solothurn." In Schule und Schüler im Mittelalter: Beiträge zur europäischen Bildungsgeschichte des 9. bis 15. Jahrhunderts. Ed. Martin Kintzinger, Sönke Lorenz, Michael Walter. Köln, Weimar, Wien: Böhlau Verlag, 1996, pp. 259-97.

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