Jean and Alexander Heard Library

Author Payne, Ian.
Title "The will and probate inventory of John Holmes (d 1629): Instrumental music at Salisbury and Winchester Cathedrals revisited."
Work Type Journal article
Language English
Publication Date 2003
Keywords probate information suggests that viols were used for teaching purposes, evidence for pedagogical composition
Citation Payne, Ian. "The will and probate inventory of John Holmes (d 1629): Instrumental music at Salisbury and Winchester Cathedrals revisited." Antiquaries journal, 83 (2003): pp. 369-96.
Identity instrumentalist|amateur|professional|adult|
Education lessons|repertory|
Materials manuscripts|instruments|
Flourished 1600s|1610s|1620s|
Region british|
Illustrations wills|manuscripts|
Record Number 190

Jean and Alexander Heard Library  Anne Potter Wilson Music Library
Blair School of Music  Vanderbilt University
Copyright © 2007 Jean and Alexander Heard Library, Vanderbilt University

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