Jean and Alexander Heard Library

Author Gregori i Cifre, Josep Maria.
Title "Els mestres de cant de la seu de Barcelona en el Renaixement."
Work Type Journal Article
Language Spanish
Publication Date 1984
Keywords 16th-century singing masters at the cathedral
Citation Gregori i Cifre, Josep Maria. "Els mestres de cant de la seu de Barcelona en el Renaixement." Recerca musicologica, 4 (1984): 19-79.
Identity male|singer|master|
Milieu cathedral|
Education choirschool|
Flourished 1490s|1500s|1510s|1520s|1530s|1540s|1550s|1560s|1570s|1580s|1590s|
Region iberia|
Illustrations notation|
Record Number 251

Jean and Alexander Heard Library  Anne Potter Wilson Music Library
Blair School of Music  Vanderbilt University
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