Jean and Alexander Heard Library

Author Haggh, Barbara
Title “Foundations or Institutions? On Bringing the Middle Ages into the History of Medieval Music.”
Work Type Journal Article
Language English
Publication Date 1996
Keywords sacred music in the Middle Ages, the medieva
Citation Haggh, Barbara. “Foundations or Institutions? On Bringing the Middle Ages into the History of Medieval Music.” Acta Musicologica 68 (1996): 87-128. [Centers on the distinction between foundations and institutions. Gives an overview of the importance of foundations to late medieval/early modern musical practices. Discusses choirboys passim with references to specific documents.]
Identity singer|choirboy|monastic|
Milieu city|monastery|
Education organ|
Flourished 1450s|1460s|1470s|1480s|1490s|
Region regiongeneral|
Illustrations financial|
Record Number 47

Jean and Alexander Heard Library  Anne Potter Wilson Music Library
Blair School of Music  Vanderbilt University
Copyright © 2007 Jean and Alexander Heard Library, Vanderbilt University

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