Jean and Alexander Heard Library

Author Helms, Dietrich
Title “Guilielmus Monachus and Henry VIII: Formulaic Compositional Techniques Around 1500.”
Work Type Journal Article
Language English
Publication Date 1999
Keywords composition pedagogy, counterpoint pedagogy, pedagogical approach and philosophy, counterpoint exercises, harmony, 16th c.
Citation Helms, Dietrich. “Guilielmus Monachus and Henry VIII: Formulaic Compositional Techniques Around 1500.” Tijtschrift voor Muziektheorie 4, no. 1, (1999): 15-23. ["Around 1500 the standard curriculum of a choirboy must have been singing--including the ability to read music and the acquisition of a repertoire of changs and polyphonic compositions--then improvising and finally composing..." (p. 16).]
Identity composer|theorist|singer|advanced|expert|choirboy|
Education counterpoint|composition|
Materials treatises|
Flourished 1480s|1490s|1500s|1510s|
Region regiongeneral|
Illustrations notation|
Record Number 48

Jean and Alexander Heard Library  Anne Potter Wilson Music Library
Blair School of Music  Vanderbilt University
Copyright © 2007 Jean and Alexander Heard Library, Vanderbilt University

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