Jean and Alexander Heard Library

Author Adelman, Howard.
Title "The Literacy of Jewish Women in Early Modern Italy."
Work Type Article in Collection
Language English
Publication Date 1999
Keywords literacy, learning at home, biblical studies, opporunities to work as scribes and printers, contract for a Jewish girl to serve a Jewish family
Citation Adelman, Howard. "The Literacy of Jewish Women in Early Modern Italy." In Women's Education in Early Modern Europe: A History, 1500 to 1800. Ed. Barbara J. Whitehead. Garland reference library of social science, v. 1124. Studies in the history of education, v. 7. New York and London: Garland Publishing, 1999. Pp. 133-58. [Citing a "Hebrew letter of a girl to her father ask(ing) for music lessons, a feature of the education of Jewish girls at the time (p. 144)"; also quotes a 16th century contract for a Jewish girl to serve in a home; the assigned duties include dancing and playing music (niggun) (p. 145).]
Identity female|singer|instrumentalist|amateur|child|adolescent|adult|
Milieu city|outsider|
Education education|philosophyed|socialskill|lessons|
Flourished 1450s|1460s|1470s|1480s|1490s|1500s|1510s|1520s|1530s|1540s|1560s|1570s|1580s|1590s|1600s|1610s|1620s|1630s|1640s|1650s|
Region italy|
Illustrations financial|contracts|letters|
Record Number 167

Jean and Alexander Heard Library  Anne Potter Wilson Music Library
Blair School of Music  Vanderbilt University
Copyright © 2007 Jean and Alexander Heard Library, Vanderbilt University

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